online communities

In 2000, following a fun 12 years in the software industry, I took a sabbatical and sailed on 2 legs of a round the world yacht race, upon my return to the UK, I was asked to carry out some research into a new online dating business for a potential investor and became increasingly interested in the emerging online business models, in particular the creation and development of a subscription based service with an online customer community at its centre.

The potential of creating online services with a valuable customer experience at the heart of it ignited my interest in this area and has been central to both projects which I have funded and others where I have been engaged by client organisations of all sizes, across different industries.

This section provides an insight into some of the projects and research I have worked on outside of client projects.  These are split into 2 areas,

The work in this section has been carried out by myself and where other people or technology have been used credit has been given.