kukutana – 29th January – Listening in online
Happy New Year!
This year we have some interesting session in the pipeline….the first of one is on the 29th January and is about listening in online to conversations which are taking place between and about customers, advocates, journalists and employees. Niall O’Malley from Immediate Future will be leading the conversation and we have Barry Bridges from Tempero who also provide online monitoring services and reputation management services joining our conversation as well as Vince Cable MP and Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer for the Liberal Democrats
We are looking forward to an interesting session and hope that you can come along and join us.
We will be running kukutana on the last Friday of the month and we are confirming dates with:
MD of leading online moderation services company
360 marketing services and social media consultant
Senior online marketing manager from a financial services company
If you would like to lead one of our sessions drop me a line and we can work out a date for you.
Looking forward to seeing you on the 29th Jan.